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4 Things to keep prepared to help with the sweet tooth cravings this summer!


1. BCAA ICE POPS: using an ice pop mould add water and flavoured BCAAS to make ice pops!

2. FROZEN YOGHURT: Use 0% fat yoghurt with protein powder or just sweetner and leave in the freezer!

3. SUGAR FREE JELLY: Grab the ‘make your own’ sugar free jelly sachet (or you can buy little tubs) and keep it in the fridge. Feel free to add a scoop of whey as you make it for extra protein or some berries for extra taste!

4. FROZEN BERRIES: These make a great snack... keep a bag in the freezer and snack on them when you feel necessary!

OUR ADVICE: Prep all the above this week and have them there ready just in case 😉😉😉